I met Kaylee a couple years ago, she is the sister of one my closest friends! She is so sweet, loving and creative! And she’s beautiful! Kaylee is a photographer as well, she has been exploring with photography classes in school. She was telling me about some of the fun projects she does in her […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) I hope everyone had a safe and fun celebration of this new year that’s come! I hope and pray that in 2013 you are able to be INSPIRED and live out your PASSIONS! 2013 is a brand new chapter in the book of YOUR LIFE! The pen is in YOUR hands! […]
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I have known Katelin for my entire life! She is a very close friend of mine who lives in Michigan! I am so thankful that her and her family visit a couple times a year! Katelin is beautiful, modelesque and has an amazing fashion sense! So we made sure to fit in a photo shoot […]
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I took a little break over the holidays to spend time with my family! I loved every minute of it! I hope that everyone had a beautiful Christmas and most importantly was able to take time to remember the true reason we celebrate this holiday! :) The day after Christmas, it was back to work we […]
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Shayla has been a GREAT friend of mine since high school! Shayla and Micah were actually my test subjects, the FIRST time I ever tried photography. I can only laugh when I look back at those pictures now, haha. But growing and learning is a beautiful thing, even if it means being a little embarrassed […]
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Earlier this week I went to meet the Mathew’s! Rebekah is a friend of some of my friends and I was happy she asked me to do some photos for her, her husband and their son Vellani! They invited me to their house, which turned out great because they happen to have a beautiful backyard! […]
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I feel like I need to do a disclaimer for this post to let you know that these children are actually not models. They just happen to be super adorable and pose really well! But yes, they most definitely should be models for really cute children’s clothing! :) I have known this family and these […]
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I have known the Wallwork’s for 5 years now! They were some of the most amazing leaders when I was in Master’s Commission! They are kind, generous and loving and when they asked me to take family pictures for them, I was so honored and happy! They are such a joy to spend time with […]
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Yesterday I might with the Martinez Family at one of my new favorite spots! It’s a (sort of) abandoned barn in Tempe and it’s just so cute and quaint! By “sort of” I mean it’s probably not abandoned but it doesn’t look like the owners visit it too often, so hopefully they were fine with […]
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A friend of mine recommended me to Khylie and we’ve been messaging back and forth ever since! I gave her some suggestions for locations and she picked one of my FAVORITE spots in Cave Creek! They had multiple outfit changes, which I LOVE! And they even brought their pets in for some shots! Khylie and […]
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