I met Allie in downtown Phoenix to take some senior photos for her. We were walking up to meet each other and I could have sworn I heard her mention that she was from Tennessee, I even heard an accent when she said it. I tried to strike up a conversation about life in Tennessee, turns […]

Allie | Senior

Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Child Portraits

I could happily take photos of this beautiful, little girl everyday and be completely content. She is not only heart meltingly adorable… but she is such a natural in front of the camera. At such a young age she is comfortable with herself enough to know how to position her body and what facial expression […]

Dolce | Child Portraits

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This will probably not be the first time I use a Maya Angelou quote, because she has said so many wise things and this is just one of them! :) If you don’t know about Wisdom Wednesday, make sure you see my past ones! :)

Wisdom Wednesday | Ch. 4

Leah Hope Photography | Wisdom Wednesday

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Leah Hope Photography | Portraits

Oh, how I love taking photos of this beautiful lady! I’m so glad that we got in touch last summer while I was in LA, because now whenever we’re in the same city, a shoot happens! :) I am in LOVE with the shoot we did last time she was in town, if you haven’t […]

Janelle | Portraits

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It’s been two years since my last senior boy session which also happened to be my only senior boy session, until now! I was SO HAPPY to finally be able to take photos of senior boy! I LOVE photographing senior girls, senior shoots are always some of my favorites, but it was about time that […]

Daniel | Senior

Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Wisdom Wednesday

This whole Wisdom Wednesday, once a week thing is making it seem like time is going by so fast! I feel like I just started doing this the other day, but now this is already my third one! :) Don’t forget the view the ones from last week and the first week! :)

Wisdom Wednesday | Ch. 3

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On Saturday my brother went to prom with a group of his friends and they wanted to get some photos before heading over to the actual dance. I’m so glad my brother and his friends asked me to take photos because I thought it was so fun seeing all these beautiful young women and handsome […]

Prom | Group Portraits

Leah Hope Photography | Prom Portraits

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Leah Hope Photography | Wisdom Wednesday

This is my second week of doing Wisdom Wednesday! In case you missed what it’s all about, see last week’s post and then keep reading to see this week’s! :)

Wisdom Wednesday | Ch. 2

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These families were so much fun to shoot altogether! Sometimes things can get a little crazy when this many people are involved, but everyone was patient and willing when necessary which helped the shoot go along wonderfully! It was a windy day, which can make things… interesting, haha. We tried to make the wind work […]

Birzer & Mountain | Family

Leah Hope Photography | Family Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Why My Apartment Burning Down Turned Into a Blessing

My apartment burnt down 5 years ago from today. You’re probably wondering what that has to do with me becoming a photographer, and I will be telling you about that! But first, I’d like to tell you about the fire and how it changed my life! :)   I remember the day so clearly. I […]

My Apartment Burnt Down & Then I Became a Photographer.

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