It’s always a new and fun adventure for me when I get invited to take photos at my client’s home! And I’m so grateful the Penez family welcomed me to their home (early in the morning, I might add) and decided to take photos in the front yard of their beautiful home! I absolutely loved […]
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I think I might say this every time I shoot in the desert… but every time I shoot in the desert, I remember how much I love it!! I’m captivated by lush, green nature and even though locations like that are rare in Phoenix, I try to find them and shoot there as often as […]
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I take photos of a lot of children, and I absolutely love it! However, with children, it’s much harder to get them to do what you’re asking of them. Sometimes, I get so use to photographing adorable and wild children, then I forget what it’s like to do a shoot with only adults. When I […]
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This shoot included a first for me, and it’s such a precious first! Krista’s whole family joined us for her senior pictures! They were so sweet and supportive, but also did their own thing during the shoot to let us do our thing. And it was perfect! They were there for help and encouragement, and […]
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I just blogged about a high school friend right before this post and now I’m blogging about another! I seriously LOVE that this job gives me more opportunities to stay in touch with friends and catch up on their lives and to document their truly adorable families! However, to be fair, Shayla (Ezekiel’s mom) and […]
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Cheyanne is a blogger who blogs about fashion, faith and life and those are all things I love to hear about it, so it only made sense that I loved shooting with her! We had such a casual and relaxed time because she is such a joy to work with! And she brought along her […]
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This shoot was one of kind, quite literally, because it’s the first shoot I’ve ever done of this kind. Haha. I’ve known Robyn for years now because she is the cousin of one of my very best friends, and now we are friends too!! :) She’s been doing archery for hours upon hours, every week, […]
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I started offering mentoring sessions almost a year ago. I didn’t advertise them or talk about them much, because it just felt strange to me. But I’ve had it in my FAQ’s on my website for those who wanted to look around on the website long enough to find that information. And I’m ecstatic when […]
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When you book family pictures, it’s completely normal to be a little stressed and to have high hopes that sometimes get let down by wild (but adorable) children. But Christy and Josh, weren’t stressed in the slightest bit! And that made this shoot enjoyable for ALL of us! Because kids will be kids and that’s […]
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This sweet girl and her family are from Northern California, but were in town visiting friends in Phoenix! And I’m so thankful that I got the opportunity to meet them and take these photos while they were here! Audrey is graduating from 8th grade this year! And these photos are to celebrate that! I wish […]
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