I started offering mentoring sessions almost a year ago. I didn’t advertise them or talk about them much, because it just felt strange to me. But I’ve had it in my FAQ’s on my website for those who wanted to look around on the website long enough to find that information. And I’m ecstatic when […]

Nikki | Mentor Session

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When you book family pictures, it’s completely normal to be a little stressed and to have high hopes that sometimes get let down by wild (but adorable) children. But Christy and Josh, weren’t stressed in the slightest bit! And that made this shoot enjoyable for ALL of us! Because kids will be kids and that’s […]

Kelman | Family

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Crystal and I became best friends almost 10 years ago in Master’s Commission, a discipleship training program I attended after high school! We’ve always had the type of friendship that can pick up where it left off, even after years of not seeing other in person! After I spent some time in Georgia for a […]

Harris | Family

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I couldn’t possibly say ENOUGH good things about this family! Seriously, whatever I say to express how amazing they are, wouldn’t come close to how amazing they actually are! When I visited Georgia, I wanted to make sure to do a shoot while I was there, because I want to take photos of people every […]

Sasser | Family

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This sweet girl and her family are from Northern California, but were in town visiting friends in Phoenix! And I’m so thankful that I got the opportunity to meet them and take these photos while they were here! Audrey is graduating from 8th grade this year! And these photos are to celebrate that! I wish […]

Audrey | Portraits

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On the day of Ashley’s senior photos, the weather was a bit wild and unpredictable, at least for Phoenix. It was crazy windy at times and the dark clouds couldn’t decide if they wanted to cover the sky or to let the sun shine! But that didn’t worry her at all, and it actually worked […]

Ashley | Senior

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Okay… this setup!!! I can’t get enough of it! I’ve known Adelynn’s mom, Ashlyn, since high school and I’m so thankful that I now get to take photos of her beautiful, growing family! Ashlyn styled this whole shoot!! Everything from having the adorable lemonade stand made, to the simple yet amazing details like the lemonade […]

Adelynn | Cake Smash

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Oh, I love these two so much! They are full of such vibrance and joy! Which are two things that I just can’t get enough of! :) I first met Samantha last year, when I took photos of her and her mom. It was one of the most fun and laughter-filled sessions ever, you can […]

Samantha and Jason | Couple

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Shay and I have been talking about doing this shoot for quite some time, and I’m so thankful we finally made it happen! She made the drive from Tucson with her adorable daughter, Ava to get some photos and I couldn’t be happier that they chose me to take these photos for them! They are […]

Shay and Ava | Family

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Some people are just completely comfortable (even if they don’t think they are) in front of the camera and their light just shines through! Beth is absolutely one of those people! We did this quick session so that she could have photos of her reppin’ a company that she believes in and works with to […]

Beth | Portraits

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Are you ready to capture some memories?