My schedule has been so crazy this season, it’s been the busiest photography season I’ve ever had!! My sister loves pictures just as much as I do (maybe more) and we were sad that I didn’t have any time left over to take some photos of her and my brother in law! Then, someone needed to […]
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I recently held my first ever contest to celebrate this new website via my Facebook Page. I couldn’t believe how many people shared the photo to enter the contest! It was so exciting for me to see all the interaction that happened through the contest! However, for me it was a little bittersweet. As much […]
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Shayla has been a GREAT friend of mine since high school! Shayla and Micah were actually my test subjects, the FIRST time I ever tried photography. I can only laugh when I look back at those pictures now, haha. But growing and learning is a beautiful thing, even if it means being a little embarrassed […]
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A friend of mine recommended me to Khylie and we’ve been messaging back and forth ever since! I gave her some suggestions for locations and she picked one of my FAVORITE spots in Cave Creek! They had multiple outfit changes, which I LOVE! And they even brought their pets in for some shots! Khylie and […]
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I LOVE shooting couples. Sometimes, I don’t like using that word “shooting” because well, it has another meaning. Haha. But hopefully since this is a photography blog, you know what I mean! Engagement sessions and just couples in general are my absolute favorite! I love photography of any kind, and being able to capture people […]
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