let's be friends!
I'm a photographer and educator based in Scottsdale, Arizona! Giving joyful people laughter filled and stress free photos and helping photographers turn their dream to grow their business into a plan that actually works!
This post is slightly embarrassing… or a lot embarrassing, I can’t decide what I’m feeling. Haha. But it’s also not embarrassing, because it shows growth and the process of learning, which I am proud of. When I started taking photos of people, I had no plans to own a business, I just knew I liked taking photos and loved having photography as a creative outlet. In 2010 and 2011 I experimented with photography by taking photos of friends and family. Most of the time, I was the one who asked them if I could take their photos, and I can’t believe they let me! Haha. I knew NOTHING. I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I had a camera and a little bit of curiousity and that was it. I didn’t do any research or learn anything before I started taking photos, I simply… started taking them. Looking back on it now, I wish I would have been more passionate about learning more of the technical side of things and doing research on other photographers, but I didn’t because I didn’t know what this would or could turn into. And that’s okay. I don’t regret how I started, I don’t regret getting into photography slowly and not pursuing it diligently. I didn’t know what I wanted and I need the opportunity to explore photography to see if I could even enjoy it as a career before I whole heartedly went after it.
I like to think of 2010 and 2011 as my experimenting years. I believe I did a totally of 9 photo shoots in those 2 years COMBINED. I wasn’t pursuing this, I was just having fun. Which is why I say 2012 is when I actually started my business, even though that year had a good amount of experimenting too. ;) I bought my Canon 5D Mark II in August of 2012, before that I had camera from the Canon Rebel Series. I did a couple photo shoots for friends for free, and then all of the sudden, I had people ASKING ME to take their pictures! I wasn’t even necessarily trying to get more business, it just sort of happened and I’m so grateful that it did! I believe that’s when my business started, in the end of 2012, even though I was still learning so much then. Well, I’m still learning so much now! I hope that I never stop improving and learning. I never want to say that I’ve peaked in photography. I only want to keep growing! :)
So, just for fun, let’s take a look back on where I started. If anything, it’s proof that if you stick with something and keep practicing and having a passion to learn more, you can do anything you want to do! These “Then” photos are from 2010 all the way to 2012… that means some are only a year and a half old. My hope is that in another few years, I can do another blog post like this to see how much I’ve grown from where I am NOW. :)
And let me make something entirely clear… the reason these photos are on my “Then” list has NOTHING to do with the BEAUTIFUL people in the photos who are all my friends and/or family…. haha. It has to do with me having NO IDEA what I was doing… haha.
Here are some of my portraits of individual people from THEN.
This pictures really is THAT out of focus. And my composition is just strange.
And here are some examples of NOW.
Here are some examples of engagement and couple photos THEN.This one is from the FIRST SHOOT I EVER did! So thankful my friends let me experiment on them… even though I have them staring right into the sun. Haha.
Here are some engagement and couple photos NOW.
Here are some examples of family photos from THEN.
Yes. They are absolutely not even the slightest bit in focus in the picture on the right.
Here are some examples of family photos NOW.Here are some examples of maternity photos from THEN.
Here are some examples of maternity photos NOW.
To everyone that LET ME take photos of them when I was clueless and experimenting… THANK YOU!!! You are part of the reason I am where I am now! I am SO GRATEFUL to all of you!! :)
As for where I am now… I still have A LOT to learn and I’m so excited to continue on this journey of growing in photography!! :)
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