A couple week ago I went to to the Los Angeles area to see The Ellen Degeneres show! I love Ellen and I love her show so I was very much looking forward to it! I was planning the trip with my sister Lindsay and her husband, she had been wanting to do a TRASH […]
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Yesterday, I took photos for a sweet family that I just met! A friend of mine who lives in Houston, recommended me to a friend of hers who lives in Gilbert, who messaged me on Facebook about a photography session! Don’t you just love that social networking can bring us all together?! :) Ashley and […]
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Casey has been one of my absolute, all time, forever best friends since 7th grade… for 10 years! She is one of the most joyful, loyal and compassionate people I know. She will make you happy when you’re sad, listen when you need to talk and encourage you when you’re down. Sometimes Casey and I […]
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This past Sunday I did a photo shoot that I was very much looking forward to! I look forward to all my photo shoots, but this one in particular! This photo shoot was my first with a baby! I have done family portraits with young children, but never a child under 12 months and never […]
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A couple weeks ago I had a good friend come in from out of town and he asked if I could take some head shots and some pictures for his upcoming website! When he told me about some of his ideas for the shoot and I saw the outfits, I was very excited! I love […]
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If you have looked at any of my past posts on this blog, you have probably already seen Krisann and Steven! They are some of my closest friends and so I don’t mind taking tons and tons of photos of them! Haha. They are so fun to be with and so good to me, that’s […]
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Recently, I took pictures for half of this beautiful couple! And this time I got to take pictures of them both! They are absolutely so sweet, kind and beautiful and I’m happy to call them my friends! We went downtown, drove around and stopped wherever we saw spots that caught our eye and that is […]
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I took a very long break from photography simply because of the heat. If I lived anywhere else but Phoenix, I might not have needed to take such a long break. But when it is 115 degrees outside, not only do I not want to be taking pictures, I don’t think people want pictures of […]
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Recently I have learned that something I really enjoy about being a photographer, is being one of the first ones to find out about my friends being pregnant, so that I can take their announcement photos! Krisann and Steven were the second couple I ever took pictures for when I first started photography and they […]
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I have been doing photography for a little over 2 years now. For the most part I just take pictures for friends and family since I believe I am still learning and still experimenting with my photography. Since I am 23 and don’t many seniors in high school, I haven’t had the opportunity to take […]
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