Even though I’ve been doing photography professionally for a little over two years now, I have to admit that cloudy days STILL throw me off. I was a little sad when I saw that it was a cloudy day for Melanie’s session, but I actually ended up REALLY loving these photos we took to document […]

Melanie | Senior

Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Newborn Pictures

I know I just said this in my last newborn session post but I can’t help it… I LOVE lifestyle newborn sessions!! :) I enjoyed going into the home of this sweet family and capturing the love they have for their first child! They are both so tender and gentle with her and just absolutely in […]

Fuss | Newborn

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I’ve known Mary since she was just a little girl, but she probably doesn’t remember me from then. I grew up with her sister, Monika, for the majority of my school life, which is how I know Mary! She’s a senior at Shadow Mountain High School, and let me tell you, this girl’s smile is […]

Mary | Senior

Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Lifestyle Newborn Pictures

In the past two weeks I’ve had the opportunity to go into the homes of three different families and document their love for each other and their adorable new babies! I’ve always enjoyed doing lifestyle newborn sessions, but after the past couple weeks, I’ve grown into loving them even more!! There is something so special […]

Widney | Newborn

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Rachel and I met up to take her senior photos on the week that they happened to be reseeding the grass around this area. I have to give her so much credit for looking absolutely beautiful even though she went through sprinklers at least 3 times. I’m so thankful she was willing to put up […]

Rachel | Senior

Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

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Leah Hope Photography | Senior Pictures

Nicole and I have been planning and talking about this shoot since the beginning of this year! Nicole is graduating from Grand Canyon University with her Master’s degree this month! I can’t even imagine going to school for long enough to be able to earn that, so Nicole definitely deserves the chance to celebrate this!! […]

Nicole | Senior

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Leah Hope Photography | I am not my skin

Before you start reading, scroll to the bottom and press the “play” button. :)   I have lived most of my life with beautiful skin. I’m not bragging, it was nothing that I did specifically to make my skin that way, I was just born with it. I’ve never had products to recommend to others on […]

I am not my skin.

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Leah Hope Photography | Portraits

Being able to take photos of this beautiful girl made me so happy!!! I knew Kayla in high school, which feels like forever ago but also feels like it was just the other day all at the same time. I’m not sure how that’s possible. Haha. Kayla was looking for some updated photos for her […]

Kayla | Portraits

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