Perspective changes everything. When things go “wrong” we’re so quick to find someone or something to blame it on. Passing the blame is useless, it doesn’t help us in the slightest and only brings others down with us. We can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we react to it. The world around you doesn’t have to change in order to change your world. As cliche as it is, look on the bright side. Look for the positive instead of the negative. See the best in people instead of the worst. I believe that our minds are our most powerful weapon. Having a good day is as easy as CHOOSING to have a good day. I know that’s not what we want to hear, we want to be able to blame others for our problems. So many of life’s difficult situations are out of our control, let’s focus on what we CAN control. We CAN control our THOUGHTS. And our mind. And our perspective. If you are WILLING to change the way you think, you have the ABILITY to change your WORLD.
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