I’m pretty sure that every time I take photos of a large family, someone always warns me that their family can get “crazy”… It must be a common phrase to say to the photographer! The first few times people would say this to me, I would be genuinely frightened, haha, just a little bit! However, the more family shoots I did, the more I realized that their “crazy” family, is no different than my crazy family! All our families have a little bit of crazy and a little bit of strange, but without those things, it wouldn’t really feel like family! :) But more important than the “crazy” in all our families, is the love in all our families… and this family has a lot of that! Everyone made an effort to be helpful to not only me, but to each other through the duration of the shoot. And I don’t think I heard even one complaint the whole time, which makes my job even more enjoyable then it already is! :)

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